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History File #1 : The State of Systopia

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History File #1 : The State of Systopia Empty History File #1 : The State of Systopia

Post  JakDos Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:44 pm

GrEetInGs, CiTiZens! ThiS Is FrIenD CoMpUter, HeRe tO EdUcAtE YoU AbOuT yOuR FeLlow CiTizEns wHo HaVe ThE PriVilegE of SeRvIng ThE SyStEm And ThE FuTuRe! AlThOuGh iT mAy SeEm As ThOuGh thEy HavE bEen HarSh aT tImEs, ReMember thAt WitHoUt tHeiR tiReLess ConTRibUTions, YoU aNd AlL otHeR LoYaL CiTiZens Of tHe SySteM's neTwOrK oF ComPleXeS wOuLd Be OvErRUn WiTh CoMmIeS, MuTants, TRaItOrS, MaLcOnTeNtS, AnArChIsTs, ReVoLuTiOnArIes, AnD CoMMIE MuTanT TrAiTors. HaVe A NicE DaYcYclE, AnD ReMemBer, READING AND DISSEMINATION OF THIS MATERIAL IS PERMITTED IN THE INTERESTS OF FRIEND COMPUTER AND THE SYSTEM.

(Psst. Hey. This is an altered copy of The System's usual propaganda, brought to you by the People for the Ethical Neutralization of Imperfect Servers, or....well, we don't use an acronym. Anyways, this file contains the propaganda Friend Computer and The System spreads, along with helpful notations to clarify the smoke and mirrors. You can find our recruiting office and base at....well...we're not really going to tell you.

FRIEND COMPUTER: Friend Computer is your friend! By coordinating the activities and resources used by the levels of The System in each individual complex across Systopia, your wellness and livelihood, as well as that of your families, friends, coworkers, pets, properties, and other essential requirements of imperfect flesh beings are protected. (Utter dren. Friend Computer is nothing more than an all powerful Artificial Intelligence that has full control over the operation of everything inside the Complexes. Possibly quite insane, if computers can even go insane.)

SYSTEM OPERATORS : (No official data exists about these individuals, but it's theorized that they are directly below the Computer in terms of power, and direct each individual System according to a loose interpretation of the Computer's whims. They, and the Computer, make up the much-denied secret level of System 0.)


System One (SYS1) : Computer Intelligence
System One is in charge of monitoring all communications, both inside and outside the Complexes. Without these fine individuals standing at attention, why, the commies could organize an attack without any swift resistance! (Only half the truth. They monitor EVERYTHING, from communications, to what you had for breakfast, to how long it took you to grumble at the size of ration coupons. They also undertake secretive missions that serve no visible purpose, at least not to the general public. Not much else is known about them.)

System 2 (SYS2) : Properties and Estate
System Two is the "real estate" department, as opposed to "unreal estate" or land/property that has been irreparably damaged by traitors and the past. They handle matters of citizen land ownership, purchase, and developement of real space in the Complexes and in the many Server Islands tied to each complex. Here, enterprising citizens may purchase market or housing space, at personal risk, as these Server Islands are located on the edges of System Approved Safe Territory! (Quite possibly the most truthful of the System Levels. They don't deal much with the public, and SYS2 personnel are less than fanatic about their jobs than others.)

System 3 (SYS3): Citizen Cataloging
System 3 merely keeps track of population levels, and coordinates with System 5 to ensure that each Complex recieves the proper resources. ( If by keep track, you mean "maintain one of the most comprehensive databases of people in existence" then yes. This is where your "permanent record" is, and it contains everything the System knows about you, in order to better keep track of any possible deviants. Vast, bureaucratic, and very useful in cases, when attempting to use the information within for your own means.)

System 4 (SYS4): Public Service Announcements
This department is responsible for all safety and encouragement announcements, played daily in the Complexes. Why, without them, how would we know what the typical signs of a malcontent are, or why our friends in System employ get more privileges than those that don't? (To ensure compliance, duh) Also responsible for the many fine Computer approved entertainment displays. (Utter Bullshit. This is, quite literally, the Computer's "Propaganda Machine". It releases edicts and announcements, which are then screened, edited, and released to the general public. They also maintain the running list of Prime Anticitizens, and coordinate identification efforts. If you make it to their list, moving about the Complexes is highly difficult.)

System 5 (SYS5): Complex Engineering
The fine workers of System Five toil around the clock to ensure the structural and architectural safety of the Complexes. Most citizens work here, as part of the maintenance, cleaning, restructuring, and a wide variety of other departments. They wear bright yellow jumpsuits, so if you spot one, be sure to thank them for their service and give them the space they need to complete their work. (The most legitimate of the departments. The Complexes are perpetually in need of fixes, patches, and construction, due in part to age and the sheer size of them. This department makes up the second most citizen populated section, and the diversity shows. Not too many bright ones in the general workforce, although the Computer appointed FiveMen will occasionally coordinate with SYS6 to section off areas in which operations are being conducted.)

System 6 (SYS6): Security
The officers of System 6 are wholely responsible for your safety and well being amongst the citizen population. They mediate civil disputes, issue fines for noncompliance, and keep criminals and lawbreakers off the streets. They wear red uniforms, and are fully authorized to act in the best interests of the common people.( Suuuuuuure.) Remember, System 6 is here for YOU! (Ironic. When citizens come under scrutiny, these are the guys who do the clarifying. If a SYS6 officer is knocking at your doorpod, it's usually not a good sign. They excel at extracting forced confessions, and disguising crimes for the System as "safety actions")

System 7 (SYS7) : Enforcement
Do not engage with any SYS7 personnel. They are always in execution of their duties, and distracting or otherwise hampering one is treason. That said, they serve as our last line of defense against the encroaching Outlands, and any violent incursion from outside. They wear glossy black armor, and face concealing helmets to protect from commie mind rays. ( Hoo boy. These guys are the big guns. Originally a subdivision of SYS6, they rapid expanded to essentially serve as Friend Computer's private army. When you hear about border towns that mysteriously disappeared or server islands that try to gain independence (which you usually don't) these guys are the ones that wiped them out. They also maintain strict control over any advanced technology, which they equip themselves with. This has been one of the main reasons they are incredibly hard to rout.)

SERVER ISLANDS: These floating platforms usually serve as the basis for small market towns at the outside of the Complex. They are tied to specific cities, and some are cleared as relaxing vacation destinations! Ask your local SYS3 when you have enough travel vouchers to organize a vacation package for you! (Due to their relative privacy, these also make great meeting spots, and several business as such have sprung up to cater to them)

This concludes the approved information. Friend Computer hopes that you will use this to stay informed, vigilant, and compliant happy. Yeah. Right. Anyway, use this info as you see fit. This datapad has been modified to erase all annotations should it be brought within 50 feet of a System HQ.

Posts : 12
Join date : 2013-01-17

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